Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Our life in iPhone pics...

We had spring break two weeks ago. The kids were out for 10 days. They loved it. I was off work for 8 of those days. It was wonderful!! I'm a big fan of spring break. Especially when you have really no place to be, no travel plans, no riding in the car for hours, no real plans. It was very relaxing. We did a lot of things, but we also took it easy.  First though... we went to the zoo. 

Here's the "baby" tiger. He's about 9 months old. 

Here's my hubby and the kids .Hubby just finished his second half marathon. Only 3 1/2 more weeks until he runs a FULL MARATHON. That's 26.2 miles people. 26 POINT 2. Yikes. 

We went roller skating. I promise she didn't hang onto the wall the entire time. ... She sat out some. Poor girl. Maybe next time. 

It's all about balance. ... And mood lighting. 

This is our new favorite fro-yo place. Any guesses? 


The kids and I made cupcakes. Multi-colored cupcakes. For my birthday. Yes, I made my own birthday cupcakes. And they were delicious. I wish I took after pics, but they didn't last long enough! 

I successfully tricked this cutie into thinking washing dishes was fun. However, after I made the icing for my cupcakes she firmly told me "You can wash those dishes yourself". 

My bday dinner with the family and my parents. Any guesses to where we are?
 Its oh-so-classy, but hey.. we love it! 

My parents took the kids to the circus. This is not the circus. They had to leave a little early so Abby could join her team for a tournament, in which they lost all their games and still got trophies. I think organized sports can be a little "trophy heavy" sometimes. 

Also... for my birthday a group of ladies and I went to see The Hunger Games. This is the screen in the Directors Suites at our theater. To say it's THA BOMB is a slight understatement. Wish I had a picture of the recliners. Yes.... recliners! Holy seatwarmers batman! 

Again, here we are celebrating my birthday. Hey, what can I say... I like to celebrate. My wish on my actual bday was to hang out with my family. We mowed the yard, and then went to Bricktown and sat on the Patio at Zio's for lunch. I love sitting on the patio. I love lunch at Zios. I love cheesy-smiley pictures of this girl: 

And cheesy-smiley pictures of this boy: 

And cheesy-smiley pictures of this cerveza:

The week after spring break, I took another day off to take goofy, on the right, to get LASIK eye surgery done. He wore sunglasses for approximately 49.754 hours after the surgery. His vision went from really really bad, to 20/20. I'm next. Maybe. 

We went to see The Pioneer Woman. I was unaware that we would have to wait 9 hours to get our books signed, so we only stayed to hear her speak. On the way out of the book store, I acted like a stalker and snapped this picture. I was so close I could see her dimples. I'm not really sure what is up with the guy in the red shirt reading the paper. He sat there for awhile and was very un-impressed. 

Again, being the stalker fan that I am... I had to take this picture of Ree's SUV. You can see Abby, not posing in front of the vehicle as I had asked her. Wha? Its not insane to ask your 5yr old to pose in front of a dirty vehicle just because it belongs to a writer, photographer, cook, blogger, mom of 4 and wife of a rancher. 

This is the pond in my neighborhood. The neighbors call it a lake, but .. its a pond. It has a walking trail around it. Two laps = 1 mile. Two laps also = goose poop covered shoes. 

New kicks. (not covered in goose poop... yet) I'm starting this new thing... its called exercise. Specifically .. running. We'll see how it goes. Right now, my shins are not happy with this decision. 

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